Taking life more playful

Tatjana, 30. The best thing that I learned from the coaching with Lisa is to not be afraid, to try things without knowing for sure if it's the right thing, to allow myself to take risks and play with ideas like a child. This approach has definitely positively affected my everyday life, practically and emotionally!

I appreciated very much how attentive and dedicated Lisa was. She always asked the right questions that consequently helped me to see and overcome some of my mind blocks and overall feel more confident. What I also found very special and helpful was that she often checked back with me on how I feel about the tasks/questions/methods and the coaching in general to direct it in the right direction. I guess that is what you call an individualistic approach. Many thanks <3


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    Lisa Kögler

    Hey! Ich bin Lisa, Purpose Coach, Podcasterin, spirituell, 🏳️‍🌈 & introvertiert. Schön, dass du hierher gefunden hast! Wenn du mehr über die Person hinter diesem Podcast erfahren möchtest, dann schau mal hier :) Alles Liebe! Lisa



